Welcome to Python 3.10: let's pattern match!

Python 3.10 is out there and ready to use. This was a two-digit minor version change since the last release, bringing new ways of thinking about programming to the Python language, such as Pattern Matching.

After briefly checking what was there before Python 3.10, we'll dig into how to use Pattern Matching in different scenarios. We'll show examples on how to define matches on simple and more complex data types, such as dictionaries and objects. We will also understand how to use guards, and build composable patterns.

By the end of this talk, you will be surprised how simple, yet powerful, Pattern Matching really is. This talk and you, it is a match!


  • Basic knowledge in Python


  • Introduction to Pattern Matching in Python



Laysa Uchoa
Laysa Uchoa is a developer working towards a more diverse and fun Python community by organizing PyLadies Munich Chapter. Her passion for sharing knowledge and OSS has led her to work as developer advocate for Aiven, a company that offers a fully managed, OSS cloud data platform. She helps users to understand databases and do cool things with them. She is also an OSS contributor and organizer of OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol) communities. Moreover, Laysa is the Head of Fullstack Events Association in Munich. Besides Python, she likes cyberpunk movies, tea, and human languages.


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